One of our students, Miguel Gallego, has just earned earned the STK Certificate.
STK (named Systems Tool Kit in the latest version, Satellite Tool Kit in earlier versions) is a powerful simulation software from Analytical Graphics, Inc. Here at the ETSI Telecomunicación we use it mainly for scenarios involving spacecraft mission design and communication link analysis but it has also many powerful features in the areas of aircraft, radar and UAV simulations. Systems Tool Kit is a very effective and visual tool to replicate the concepts learned during our degree. It can be also integrated with Matlab to do a post-processing analysis of the scenarios.
The STK Certificate is an online test supervised by AGI that evaluates your knowledge of the STK suite and over several additional analysis modules. It is a renowned certification in the space industry, it is also offered free of charge to our students.
We thank Analytical Graphics, Inc. for the academic licences and for the opportunity to undertake the STK Certification test.