TelCUBE goes to Belgium

As part of the programmed activities of TelCUBE Project, some of our team members will attend to the 2nd QB50 Workshop, held at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (Rhode-Sain-Genèse, Belgium), next week.

QB50 is initiative of the Von Karman Institute (VKI), the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA with the scientific objective to measure in situ the temporal and spatial variations of a number of key constituents and parameters in the lower thermosphere (90-320 km) with a network of 50 double CubeSats.

It is foreseen that 38 CubeSats will be provided by universities in 22 European countries, 8 by universities in the US, 2 by universities in Canada and 2 by Japanese universities. TelCUBE has already expressed the interest of ETSIT-UPM in taking part of this project by sending one of the 71 Letters of Intent that has accepted by the Secretary of the QB50 Project (up to 20 June 2011).

This Second Workshop (the first was held also at VKI in November 2009) will focus on project related matters, such as sensor selection, orbital dynamics, ground station networks and frequency allocation, launcher interface, deployment system, funding, schedule milestones, information exchange and possible synergy/collaboration between CubeSat teams.

Soon we will bring you news related to the travel and the Workshop. Don’t forget you can also follow us at Twitter and Facebook.

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