Discovering Belgium

Our expedition to the heart of Belgium is already there, ready for the 2nd QB50 Workshop that will start tomorrow.

Before the first conferences in the Lecture Hall at Von Karman Institute (VKI), our team members have been exploring the Wallon Region, in the South of Brussels. As latest news, we offer you here the first images of the adventures of our students Javier Hernando and Miguel Gallego in important villages as Charleroi or Waterloo, and their trip to the forests surrounding Rhode-Saint-Genèse, where the VKI is located.

Don’t miss the opportunity to follow us in this event by using Facebook or Twitter, or even become a follower of this website to have the latest news.

Saint Christopher Church, in Charleroi.
City Council of Charleroi.
Waterloo, in the heart of the Walloon Region.
Wellington Museum, in Waterloo.

Forest in Rhode-Saint-Genèse.
Forest in Rhode-Saint-Genèse.

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