A conference about small satellites was held
today at ETSIT-UPM. It was part of the seminar “Advances in Electronic Systems
Engineering”, organized by the Department of Electronic Engineering
(Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, DIE).
Today, professor Claudio Passerone, from the
Electronic and Telecommunication Department of Politecnico di Torino has
presented the platform known as Aramis.
Aramis is a modular platform for small satellites that is being
developed at the Electronic and Telecommunication Department of Politecnico di
Torino. Aramis is based on the concept of tiles, a standardized building block
to be used to build small spacecrafts according to specific requirements. By
combining tiles in various number and kind, different satellites in terms of
size, shape, functionality and performance can be obtained. To drive costs
down, commercial off-the-shelf components (COTS) are used wherever possible.
In this interesting seminar we got to learn about a
new standardized platform and compare its possibilities with cubesats. We want
to thank professor Passerone for having been here today and we wish him and his
team good luck to continue with this amazing project.
The two kind of tiles arranged to form a cube